15. Generating Sigma Points Assignment 2


The two remaining sigma points are calculated by subtracting each column times the spreading factor from the mean state estimate, x .

In the code editor below, you can find my solution. Feel free to play with it!

Start Quiz:

#include <iostream>
#include "Dense"
#include "ukf.h"

using Eigen::MatrixXd;

int main() {

  // Create a UKF instance
  UKF ukf;

   * Programming assignment calls
  MatrixXd Xsig = MatrixXd(5, 11);

  // print result
  std::cout << "Xsig = " << std::endl << Xsig << std::endl;

  return 0;
#include "ukf.h"
#include <iostream>

using Eigen::MatrixXd;
using Eigen::VectorXd;

UKF::UKF() {

UKF::~UKF() {


void UKF::Init() {


 * Programming assignment functions: 
void UKF::GenerateSigmaPoints(MatrixXd* Xsig_out) {

  // set state dimension
  int n_x = 5;

  // define spreading parameter
  double lambda = 3 - n_x;

  // set example state
  VectorXd x = VectorXd(n_x);
  x <<   5.7441,

  // set example covariance matrix
  MatrixXd P = MatrixXd(n_x, n_x);
  P <<     0.0043,   -0.0013,    0.0030,   -0.0022,   -0.0020,
          -0.0013,    0.0077,    0.0011,    0.0071,    0.0060,
           0.0030,    0.0011,    0.0054,    0.0007,    0.0008,
          -0.0022,    0.0071,    0.0007,    0.0098,    0.0100,
          -0.0020,    0.0060,    0.0008,    0.0100,    0.0123;

  // create sigma point matrix
  MatrixXd Xsig = MatrixXd(n_x, 2 * n_x + 1);

  // calculate square root of P
  MatrixXd A = P.llt().matrixL();

   * Student part begin
  // set first column of sigma point matrix
  Xsig.col(0) = x;

  // set remaining sigma points
  for (int i = 0; i < n_x; ++i) {
    Xsig.col(i+1)     = x + sqrt(lambda+n_x) * A.col(i);
    Xsig.col(i+1+n_x) = x - sqrt(lambda+n_x) * A.col(i);
   * Student part end

  // print result
  // std::cout << "Xsig = " << std::endl << Xsig << std::endl;

  // write result
  *Xsig_out = Xsig;

 * expected result:
 * Xsig =
 *  5.7441  5.85768   5.7441   5.7441   5.7441   5.7441  5.63052   5.7441   5.7441   5.7441   5.7441
 *    1.38  1.34566  1.52806     1.38     1.38     1.38  1.41434  1.23194     1.38     1.38     1.38
 *  2.2049  2.28414  2.24557  2.29582   2.2049   2.2049  2.12566  2.16423  2.11398   2.2049   2.2049
 *  0.5015  0.44339 0.631886 0.516923 0.595227   0.5015  0.55961 0.371114 0.486077 0.407773   0.5015
 *  0.3528 0.299973 0.462123 0.376339  0.48417 0.418721 0.405627 0.243477 0.329261  0.22143 0.286879
#ifndef UKF_H
#define UKF_H

#include "Dense"

class UKF {
   * Constructor

   * Destructor
  virtual ~UKF();

   * Init Initializes Unscented Kalman filter
  void Init();

   * Student assignment functions
  void GenerateSigmaPoints(Eigen::MatrixXd* Xsig_out);
  void AugmentedSigmaPoints(Eigen::MatrixXd* Xsig_out);
  void SigmaPointPrediction(Eigen::MatrixXd* Xsig_out);
  void PredictMeanAndCovariance(Eigen::VectorXd* x_pred, 
                                Eigen::MatrixXd* P_pred);
  void PredictRadarMeasurement(Eigen::VectorXd* z_out, 
                               Eigen::MatrixXd* S_out);
  void UpdateState(Eigen::VectorXd* x_out, 
                   Eigen::MatrixXd* P_out);

#endif  // UKF_H

expected result:

Xsig =

5.7441 5.85768 5.7441 5.7441 5.7441 5.7441 5.63052 5.7441 5.7441 5.7441 5.7441

1.38 1.34566 1.52806 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.41434 1.23194 1.38 1.38 1.38

2.2049 2.28414 2.24557 2.29582 2.2049 2.2049 2.12566 2.16423 2.11398 2.2049 2.2049

0.5015 0.44339 0.631886 0.516923 0.595227 0.5015 0.55961 0.371114 0.486077 0.407773 0.5015

0.3528 0.299973 0.462123 0.376339 0.48417 0.418721 0.405627 0.243477 0.329261 0.22143 0.286879